Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm a Cool Guy Now

This week sucks... it is just far too hot. What would be the purpose of having weather this hot? I have realized this week that I have made that transition to liking winter better than summer. Cool temperatures seem to suit me better. My ultamate choice would be to have spring and fall over and over again, with a colder than average day for Thanksgiving and snow from Chirstmas Eve to New Years Day. However, that might be too much to ask for.

It was so hot yesterday while I was working I went through 3 shirts and then said forget it and went without. I never was a shirtless guy, too much water just flowing around not getting soaked up, dirt sticking to you, just plain weird. I might have changed my outlook on that yesterday. The breeze is so much nicer, you dont get goofy tan lines and it is much more dramatic to spray water on yourself with the hose. I hear Van Halen's Top of the World song playing in the back ground as I whip my head around. Megan said she always wanted a shirtless handyman around the house, I'm glad it could be me.

The one thing that saved me from flipping out and stabbing the next person that drove down my gravel road at 90mph, causing a sandstorm of chalk fine dust to be raised airborn, was the Upper Iowa River. This river is magical! It is always the perfect tempurature, fast flowing, shallow, crystal clean and stocked full of fish. The family and I drove down to town and jumped in. I can't tell you how cool it is to be splashing around in  a body of water a block from main street that isn't made up of 60% chlorine and 40% kid piss. I plan to repeat this activity everyday while the temperature is above 90.

Now that I have complained I will challenege myself. I will bike to work at least once a week until it snows or I wuss out, whichever comes first. That is a challange in itself, it is so easy to change your mind when a perferctly good car sits in the driveway. I want to do this however to prove to myself and my loved ones I am ready to ride a race call the Great Divide Race. 2745 miles from Banff Alberta, Canada to Antelope Wells, New Mexico. Held every year, this unsupported race summons less than 30 entrants, most who drop out before the end. Imagine waking up in a tent or bivy bag for 30 days without a shower and jumping on your bike for another 12 hour day of peddling up and down a mountain range. Over the couse of your journey you will climb over 200,000ft in elevation, the height of Mt Everest 7 times! Most of you are probably throwing up with disgust right now but I am excited. More to come on my scheme of a lifetime.

Stay cool!

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