Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Batman Ruined My Life

I’m going to hold off on reviewing this movie for a while, for a few reasons. One, I want everyone to go out and see it... like right now! Two, I want to see it again. Three, I need to meditate on its pure awesomeness for a while longer before I can form words to describe it.

What I will say, is I would elect to have red-hot pokers thrust into me just to spend the day picking the mind of Christopher Nolan. Genius, as a word is misused far too much, but the moniker applies here. I have never felt the rush of skydiving excitement and the depressive lows of an Alaskan winter within a few seconds of each other like I did during this movie. I am not ashamed to say, I cried for like the last 15 minutes of the movie, and THEN I got in the car and continued to silently weep for another 10 minutes before I could pull myself together. I felt like I had just been through an intervention and finally see how my actions are destructive; except the destructive path was me watching every other movie before this.

I beg of you, with all my being, go watch this movie. I am really thinking I can't think any of you as friends or family any longer until you do see it. The Dark Knight Rises changed my life and ruined it simultaneously.

"It's not who you are, but what you do that matters."

Cheers Batman


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rain Music

All my complaints about the heat have not helped a single iota. Not only has the oppressive heat not broken but now the Midwest in the longest drought in like 50 something years! However today is the day! We are on rain watch 2012 here at the office. It looks like we are going to get a good storm this afternoon. Of course it is being joined by gale force winds, blinding lighting, and Im pretty sure someone is going to get carried off to Oz, but hey.... rain! My neighbor farmers have been watering their crops with their tears over the last couple of weeks, and I have been doing my part by "watering" the local corn each morning and night.

I actually think I am responsible for these good weather tidings. I have been listening to Bruce Hornsby and Sting all day long. How does that matter you ask? Both those musicians are rainy weather artists in my mind. Sure you can listen to them anytime during the year but you can't tell me you think of fall when you hear Hornsby's "Stander on the Mountain" or Sting's "Englishman in NY". I hear these guys and I am automatically wearing a hoodie, tromping through the woods with soggy shoes during those long fall afternoons that the sun never seems to move in the sky. This image always used to contain myself and... well, myself. Now it contains my little girl in the mini me backpack smacking me with a stick. What a great feeling, and one I can't wait for this fall!

So Midwest you are welcome! I’m slightly sorry I didn’t think of it sooner. It would have really cut back on the heat anger I have been experiencing lately. Eh.

Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm a Cool Guy Now

This week sucks... it is just far too hot. What would be the purpose of having weather this hot? I have realized this week that I have made that transition to liking winter better than summer. Cool temperatures seem to suit me better. My ultamate choice would be to have spring and fall over and over again, with a colder than average day for Thanksgiving and snow from Chirstmas Eve to New Years Day. However, that might be too much to ask for.

It was so hot yesterday while I was working I went through 3 shirts and then said forget it and went without. I never was a shirtless guy, too much water just flowing around not getting soaked up, dirt sticking to you, just plain weird. I might have changed my outlook on that yesterday. The breeze is so much nicer, you dont get goofy tan lines and it is much more dramatic to spray water on yourself with the hose. I hear Van Halen's Top of the World song playing in the back ground as I whip my head around. Megan said she always wanted a shirtless handyman around the house, I'm glad it could be me.

The one thing that saved me from flipping out and stabbing the next person that drove down my gravel road at 90mph, causing a sandstorm of chalk fine dust to be raised airborn, was the Upper Iowa River. This river is magical! It is always the perfect tempurature, fast flowing, shallow, crystal clean and stocked full of fish. The family and I drove down to town and jumped in. I can't tell you how cool it is to be splashing around in  a body of water a block from main street that isn't made up of 60% chlorine and 40% kid piss. I plan to repeat this activity everyday while the temperature is above 90.

Now that I have complained I will challenege myself. I will bike to work at least once a week until it snows or I wuss out, whichever comes first. That is a challange in itself, it is so easy to change your mind when a perferctly good car sits in the driveway. I want to do this however to prove to myself and my loved ones I am ready to ride a race call the Great Divide Race. 2745 miles from Banff Alberta, Canada to Antelope Wells, New Mexico. Held every year, this unsupported race summons less than 30 entrants, most who drop out before the end. Imagine waking up in a tent or bivy bag for 30 days without a shower and jumping on your bike for another 12 hour day of peddling up and down a mountain range. Over the couse of your journey you will climb over 200,000ft in elevation, the height of Mt Everest 7 times! Most of you are probably throwing up with disgust right now but I am excited. More to come on my scheme of a lifetime.

Stay cool!