Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Summer Reading

Wow, I am super behind on this. It is just like summer reading all over again. I even got the cold sweats thinking I had to make up 30 journal entries in the next 12 hours or I was toast. BTW teachers, what the hell were you thinking about making a 16 year old boy read during the summer. I barely read during the school year, when all the girls were bundled up in sweaters and pants! I digress…
I ran my fastest 5K today at lunch; I was super shocked because I really felt like I was plodding along. 24:36 total, which is about 7:52 minute miles! Wow, I am super happy; I was a 10 minute mile guy not too long ago. My goal for the year is 10 miles without dying, and I am hoping to complete that 10 miles at about 8:30 per mile pace or under an hour and a half. I seem to be on track for speed but now I need to work on endurance, which I consider to be the real measure of fitness. Forget body builders and muscle heads, take a look at the professional tri-athletes, those men and woman are the fittest people in the world.
I keep hearing that Hunger Games is going to be the next Harry Potter, which I am all about, because I love me some Hogwarts. Those last few HP movies were done really well, like real action movies. I am planning to super nerd out and attend the 12:01am Hunger Games showing Friday morning. The only difference is when I was younger I could stay up that late, catch the movie, grab a few hours sleep and be fine. No longer ladies and gentleman! I still see the midnight movies, but now I turn in at 8, sleep in my clothes, and set the alarm for like 10 minutes before the movie starts. Then I roll in enjoy the show, hopefully, and when that is over I head home and go back to sleep. O sweet sleep how I love you so. Hopefully this show will be good and I can write my second glowing review on this well read blog. Snicker*snicker*
Speaking of movies, I redbox’ed The Guard yesterday. What an amazing movie. A really good cops and robber’s movie, set in Ireland, with Brendan Gleeson and Don Cheedle! Crazy cast right? It was funny, quick witted, well filmed and the character development was excellent. I highly recommend it, and it is going on my “to buy” list for sure. It goes under the quirky comedy list with Zero Effect, Grosse Point Blank, Wasabi, and Whip It (watch and return Mom!)
Whew! I totally faked most of this, just like my summer reading journal so I hope you all bought it. BTW, congrats to Ashley and Adam, and now baby Preston, who is now an official part of the family! The court date was yesterday and the birth parents signed away custody of baby Preston after a very stressful 6 months plus. There won’t be more deserving or better parents around, congrats again!